Meg Swift
Meg Swift turned her passion for living a healthy lifestyle into a profession as a fitness expert in Boston. Following a career in investment banking, Meg drastically shifted gears and dedicated her professional focus entirely to fitness & wellness. Over the years, she established herself as a top trainer in Boston at premier studios like Barry’s Bootcamp, Exhale Spa and Flybarre. With this passion, knowledge and experience she has now developed the Studio Method that combines the best of barre and high intensity interval training designed to develop core strength, balance, flexibility and endurance. Her goal is to offer the same standard of personalized, high-quality group fitness that she has been teaching in Boston to her clientele in Nantucket.
Meg is known for her creative approach to her teaching, her up-beat demeanor, her attention to detail and alignment, and for always encouraging her clients to empower themselves to conquer challenges both inside and outside of the studio.
Meg holds a B.A. in history from Boston College, an ACSM Fitness Certification and an IIN/SUNY Nutrition & Wellness Certification.